A water- and windproof suit to keep the homeless and others in need warm. Made by the jobless, refugees and volunteers in our own social workplace. In social terms, Sheltersuit embodies what design can do; it inspires, connects and activates people.
The Sheltersuit is a water- and windproof jacket with a detachable sleeping bag for the homeless and refugees. It comes in a duffle bag to carry. The Sheltersuits are made of TenCate Tent fabric, Nomad sleeping bags and 3M Thinsulate. All materials applied are donated rest materials that have been up-cycled into the end product. The Sheltersuit workplace produces with jobless people, refugees and volunteers to (re-)integrate them into society. A full circle social project.
In social terms, Sheltersuit embodies what design can do; it inspires, connects and activates people.
To bring warmth and protection to people in need
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