
Recensies, contactgegevens voor See Lab

See Lab


See Lab is een nieuwe culturele broedplaats voor kunst- en cultuurmakers aan de Scheveningse kust.
Verhuurt een projectruimte en permanente ateliers.


See Lab is a new cultural incubator located in an old school building at The Hague beach, The Netherlands.
It emerged from a shared dream to establish a long term working community where professional artist and culture creators with a DIY mentality work both independently and together on art and culture. See Lab hosts 14 affordable workspaces and a project space. It functions as an experimental laboratory for its users by providing testing ground for new ideas and space to explore. The former gym of the building, the project space, is renovated with the goal to develop a dedicated space for presentation and production of contemporary art and culture. See Lab is a non profit organisation that is set up and organised by artist and culture creators.
The building was made available by the Municipality of The Hague.

Adres: Duinstraat 55, 2584AW Scheveningen, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Telefoonnummer: 0619985827
Stad: Scheveningen
Route: Duinstraat 55
Postcode: 2584AW

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