
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Schreurs Roses & Gerbera

Schreurs Roses & Gerbera


Like us, if you are into in flower design (floral design) with our rose and gerbera varieties, made worldwide by many floral designers. >> www.schreurs.nl


Breeding the world’s most beautiful varieties

As a breeder, we develop new varieties of rose and gerbera. With 50 years of experience, we are one of the leading companies in this field. We aim to become and to stay the market leader for all the products we develop and market in the main production regions. We are proud of the fact that growers in more than 100 countries choose Schreurs varieties!

Peter Schreurs, General Manager - Schreurs:

“In our breeding efforts, we try to add value at every level. We attempt to improve every single detail of a rose that is important to our clients. From productivity at low energy costs, resistance to diseases, trading qualities, opening characteristics and vase life to beauty, thornlessness and fragrance. Schreurs wants to be known as the breeder with the best and most beautiful varieties!”


The demands made on a modern rose are high, and every party in the supply chain has different wishes.

The consumer wants a flower with a beautiful colour and shape, a long vase life and a delicate fragrance. Florists need roses that do not perish, preferably with few or no thorns. The trade is looking for varieties that are easy to transport and have good trading characteristics. And the grower wants a plant that is resistant to diseases and offers high productivity at low energy costs. In creating a new rose, we do our very best to improve all the above characteristics. As a result we have a wide and deep assortment for all main production areas worldwide.

The process of breeding a new rose is about combining parent varieties with the desired characteristics. An­­­d also about patience. Lots of it. It can take years from crossing the plants, collecting the seeds and planting them before a new variety is ready to be launched commercially somewhere in the world.


Selection is an important part of our breeding programme. This process begins at Schreurs Holland, where we have 3 hectares dedicated to breeding and selection. But from an early stage we also send promising codes to our testing facilities abroad, so that new codes can be tested also in foreign climate conditions. Depending on the results they have the chance to become named commercial varieties.

As a final step in selection, we add value by test launching successful codes ourselves in the Netherlands, Kenya and Ecuador. We name them and grow them commercially in a quantity large enough to generate serious feedback from the market and to stimulate initial demand until the first grower decides to plant the new variety commercially.

Onze taak

“Our mission is to develop, produce and constantly improve unique floral products. Products that excel in cultivation aspects, longevity and beauty.”

“With that in mind, everything we do is about adding value for our clients. Our strategic vision guides every part of the Schreurs organisation. That begins with sound technical and commercial advice about the client’s assortment. We employ the very best agronomists to make sure that all our clients start their production with healthy young plants, delivered in time to the right place. All new varieties are tested extensively at trial production areas on our farms in the Netherlands, Kenya and Ecuador. This includes checking the product’s transportation and commercial qualities on a substantial scale. We also design a specific release strategy for every new variety by region: our marketing department takes care of the launch and promotional campaigns.”


Rose & Gerbera varieties & plant material for growers

Adres: Hoofdweg 81, 1424PD De Kwakel
Telefoonnummer: +31 297383444
Stad: De Kwakel
Route: Hoofdweg 81
Postcode: 1424PD

op zoek naar gerelateerd: florist gerbera, red naomi schreurs, schreurs gerbera india, schreurs logo
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