
Recensies, contactgegevens voor School of Facility Management Groningen


The School of Facility Management Groningen belongs to the Hanze University Groningen in Groningen, Netherlands and offers a BBA degree programme in International Facility Management.School of Facility Management is international: students come from the European Union countries, Middle East, Middle America and the Far East and can follow careers both in the Netherlands and abroad. The language used is English.The degree in International Bachelor of Business Administration prepares students for executive positions such as: Head of Facility Organisation, Head of Safety and Security, Purchase Manager, New Development Project Manager, Catering Manager, Regional manager of Cleaning Services, Events Project Manager, Relocation Coordinator and others.Bachelor program International Facility Management Studies Students will graduate with a BBA in either Corporate or Commercial Facility Management.Curriculum First year: An introduction to Facility Management The first year is an introduction to Facility management. Students will gain insight into policy making as well as developing a sustainable and innovative work environment. Furthermore, students will have the possibility to learn how Facility managers evaluate the effectiveness, efficiency and service level of the Facility Organization as well as manage and structure services, e.g. cleaning or catering for a Health Care institution. Second year: Specialization in Corporate or Commercial Facility Management In the second year students will prepare themselves for either of the specializations: Corporate or commercial Facility management. Within the corporate Facility management students will gain knowledge and skills with regards to purchasing services or products as well as policy planning for long term housing for instance. Commercial Facility management focuses on creating marketing strategies for newly developed services or products related to Facility Management and on drafting plans for the improvement of the quality of the facility performance of service providers.

Adres: Groningen
Stad: Groningen

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Facility Management Hanze, International Facility Management, Bachelor Facility Management titel, Facility Management universiteit, Facility Management minor, Facility Management hanze deeltijd, Facility Management vacatures Groningen, Student Facility Management
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