
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Save The Native Forest

Save The Native Forest


Save the Native Forest is a charity that acquires plots of native forest in Ecuador south east of the oil mining town of Coca.


Save the Native Forest is a charity that acquires plots of native forest in Ecuador south east of the oil mining town of Coca. The area is of high importance because of the enormous biodiversity. The area is located close to the Yasuni National Park and adjacent to the Waorani territory.
The oil mining activities are life threatening for this unique ecosystem and the culture of the local native inhabitants. It is with the help of local communities that Save the Native Forest has already been able to acquire 1000 Acres (400 Ha.) of Native Rainforest and have it guarded by them.
Everybody understands the importance to act and together we can accomplish great things.
Donate now and help to directly preserve an ecosystem where you will find more species of trees on a patch the size of a football field than In the USA.

Adres: Jachtlaan 7, Roden, Drenthe, Netherlands
Telefoonnummer: 0505010250
Stad: Roden
Route: Jachtlaan 7

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