
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Santpoort-Zuid


Santpoort-Zuid is a village in the Dutch province of North Holland. It is a part of the municipality of Velsen, and lies to the west of North-Haarlem (Schoten). Santpoort-Zuid is bordered by the village of Bloemendaal to the south and the village of Santpoort-Noord to the north. There is a railway station in the village and Amsterdam Centraal can be reached in 26 minutes. En route to Amsterdam Central, the train stops at Bloemendaal, Haarlem, Haarlem-Spaarnwoude (for IKEA), Halfweg-Zwanenburg and Amsterdam Sloterdijk (change for Schiphol Airport). It takes approximately 15 minutes by car to reach either the beach at Bloemendaal aan Zee or Zandvoort. (North Sea Canal to Amsterdam/Ferry to Newcastle, England). A famous historic site in Santpoort-Zuid is the Ruin of Brederode, and the formerly well maintained Natuurbad, Velserend.The village is an upscale neighborhood with Dutch professionals residing there. It is one of the rare coastal forested areas protected by large dunes.

Adres: Santpoort-Zuid
Stad: Santpoort-Zuid

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