
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Samatour Travel & Tourism سماتور للسياحة في أوربا

Samatour Travel & Tourism  سماتور للسياحة في أوربا


Welcome to SAMATOUR! Here you will find inspiration for a next holiday, the best offers and all your questions will be answered between 9:00 and 18:00!


Welcome to SAMATOUR travel & tourism!

We invite you to share your experiences, reactions and suggestions with us on this Facebook page. With your opinion, we can improve our products and services. We keep you informed about our destinations, fun facts and the best holiday deals every week!

To keep this Facebook page fun for everyone, you can find our guidelines below.

• Do you have a question about tour company SAMATOUR? We are happy to help you!
• Do you have a question for SAMATOUR Worldwide Airlines? Then we help you where possible to find the answer. We will refer you to the airline if that party can serve you better.
• To protect your privacy, we delete messages with personal details. These are, for example, data with booking numbers, flight details, account numbers and contact details. Do you want to share this information because of a question about your trip with SAMATOUR? Then do this in a private message.
• We would like to keep it fun for everyone on our page. That is why we do not accept insults, abuse and discrimination.
• Feedback about our products and services is always welcome. That way we can continuously improve. Repeated negative messages and discussions are not allowed. We may remove these.
• We are happy to answer questions about our organization. Unfortunately, we cannot answer confidential, strategic or commercial questions. Thank you for your understanding!
• You are not allowed to place advertisements on our Facebook page. These are removed.
• Do you want to report something to or about one of our employees? Then do this in a private message. Messages containing personal details such as the name, e-mail address and telephone numbers of our employees are not permitted.

We manage our Facebook page according to the above guidelines. That way it is nice for everyone to visit our page. We look forward to your experiences, ideas and reactions!


Aiman ML
G. Manager

Stad: Deventer

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Vertaald door Google Perfect bureau. Denis is een echte reiskenner en -liefhebber, dat merk je aan zijn tours. Ga heen en reis met samsara! En bovendien zijn ze respectvol voor de fauna en flora Nogmaals bedankt voor alles! Origineel Agence parfaite. Denis est un vrai connaisseur et amoureux des voyages , ça se sent dans ses circuits. Foncez et voyagez avec samsara ! Et en plus ils sont respectueux de la.faune et flore .encore merci pour tout !
Vertaald door Google Perfecte reis, onberispelijke organisatie, raad ik aan Origineel Voyage parfait, organisation impeccable, je recommande
Vertaald door Google Perfect ! Origineel parfait !
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