
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Samalla - Historical Clothing and Costumes

Samalla - Historical Clothing and Costumes


Handmade historical influenced sustainable fashion (Re-enactment, living history, LARP, Renfaire)


Samalla is a workshop for theater, renfaire, LARP and COSplay costumes and clothing with historical influences. I work by myself and sometimes ask the help of other artists to create something complete.

What makes Samalla different then other companies in fantasy garment? Well, I find it difficult that there are not enough stores which provides dramatic clothing that is 100% comfortable. To still look fantastic, I search to create something that can be comfortable for any type of people. This doesn't mean I won't make you a super tight corset if you ask for it.

Main Webpage: www.samalla.nl
Etsy: SamallaNL.etsy.com

For contact I prefer communication through the websites mentioned above. I hardly hear my phone while working in the workshop.

Adres: Zaanstad
Stad: Zaanstad

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