
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Royal Priesthood of God Ministry-Seminar

Royal Priesthood of God Ministry-Seminar


By means of this introduction we kindly invite you to take part in our Seminar . Our goal with this Seminar is to equip and coach you as far as needed!!


Introduction to the seminar “A royal priesthood”

Step 1: Preparation phase
Step 2: The revelation 2-3 process
Step 3: The Holy Spirit
Step 4: The Word of God
Step 5: Move in expression before God.
Step 6: Know Him in Holiness
Step 7: The Royal Priesthood.

Psalm 1
You are happy and a blessed person if you walk by the principles of Psalm 1. Matthew 37 speaks about the two roads. A narrow road and a wide road. The narrow road brings a person into the presence of God. The wide road takes him or her into a disaster.
How can a person become a blessing?
If a person walks by the principles of Psalm 1 the river of God begins to stream into his life ans start to bless him and others. A Christian should surround himself with these kinds of persons. So he should pay attention to the following commandments of God.
1. He should not walk in the counseling of the unbelievers. God likes to dwell in the circle of wise people. So in the circle of the unbeliever you will find disaster.
2. He should stay in the way of sinners. Remember from David en Bathsheba the principle of walking-standing and sitting down amidst sinners.
3. He should not sit down together with the people that mock. 1 Corinth 10 – Israel mocked and it cost them lots of troubles.
Some good medicines against these bad principles.
• Listening to God with expectation. Read John 10 about the good Sheppard. His sheep recognized His voice. See Isaiah 50 vs 4-8 about the basis of a healthy Christian life.
• Practice what you read in this Scripture and focus your ear unto His voice. Proverbs 4:20
• Walk by the Spirit of obedience. This will bring you into the fear of God.
We are children of God, so make a decision to walk together with Him. It will urge you to walk by His word and to stop doing bad things. It will raise in you a new love to the creative and powerful inspired Word of God. If you want to be changed into Gods image be filled with His Spirit, pray for a new passion for the living Word of God.
A tree in this condition will be strong in crisis. It will bend with the wind but it will not break. It will drink of the water and remain fresh. It will find the fear of God. Read Jeremiah 17 vs 3-9 and proverbs 4:20. Here you can find good lessons about the tree of God.
So Psalm 1 will bring us an abundant life and a fresh new start with God. This kind of believer will be successful in all his ways. He will become a believer as described in Psalm 23 and Psalm 27. These psalms describe the conditions that will bless the heart of a friend of God. So the fruit is the result of the connection between the Creator and His tree.

I advise you strongly to go for that connection. You will have to build a strong and stable relationship with the heart of your God the Almighty in order to become a blessed person that will be a blessing to Gods heart.
Br. Paulo Eggink

Adres: Binnenplaats 17, 1695 JH Blokker, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Stad: Blokker
Route: Binnenplaats 17
Postcode: 1695 JH

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