
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Round the World

Round the World


Six camera's are distributed all over the world! After taking a picture, someone passes the camera on to the next person. The last person in line sends the camera back to me!


"I got a camera, and I have no idea what to do with it!"

When you have received the camera, congratulations! You are now part of the project 'Round the World'!

What to do next? Take a piece of paper and write down you location. Go to an amazing place nearby and take a picture of yourself holding the paper in front of this fantastic view.

Pass this camera on to someone who is enthousiastic about this project as well and who is trustworthy. Explain the aim of this project so he or she can take the next photo and passes the camera on.

Remember; the camera must go 'round the world in 24 photos!

Share your moment, by sending an email to [email protected] mentioning the date, your location and the camera number. Maybe even add the name and contacts of the person you handed the camera to.

This way, the camera will be passed around through different countries and bueatiful locations.

The last person in line can return the camera to me! When you send me an email with your information, I will make sure you will receive a refund!

'Round the World Photos
Marlou Hermsen
Plevierstraat 12
6883 CH Velp
The Netherlands

Telefoonnummer: +31 6 55 914 193
Stad: Velp

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