
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Rooftop Movie Nights

Rooftop Movie Nights


We provide you with the best movies & breathtaking view of Amsterdam in cooperation with our beautiful rooftop locations. Sit down, relax and enjoy!


All over the world and now finally in the Netherlands & what is a better place to start than Amsterdam. We provide you with the best movies & breathtaking view of Amsterdam in cooperation with our beautiful rooftop locations. Sit down and relax in our comfy chairs by Terapy while enjoying some good food & drinks.

At our locations film lovers are able to eat fabulous food, enjoy cold drinks & awesome cocktails and watch their favorite movies on the big screen as the stars begin to sparkle & the moon begins to rise!
Whether it’s a romantic comedy with your special one, a superb action movie with you mates or a Disney classic with your kids… We provide you with the best rooftop movie experience in a beautiful setting.

Adres: Staalmeesterslaan 410, 1057 PH Amsterdam
Stad: Amsterdam
Route: Staalmeesterslaan 410
Postcode: 1057 PH

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