
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Recycled Island Foundation

Recycled Island Foundation


The Recycled Island Foundation makes proposals how to deal with plastic pollution. Our main projects are litter traps and Recycled Park.


The Recycled Island Foundation makes proposals how to deal with plastic pollution and climate change.

Plastic soup North Pacific Gyre
The first proposal comes from the pollution in the North Pacific Gyre. Recycled Island proposes the realization of a habitable floating island in the Pacific Ocean made from all the plastic waste that is momentarily floating around in the ocean.

The proposal has two main aims; 1. Cleaning our oceans from a gigantic amount of plastic waste; 2. Creating new land; And constructing a sustainable habitat. Recycled island seeks the possibilities to recycle the plastic waste on the spot and to recycle it into a floating entity. It is a self sufficient habitat, that is not depending from other countries and finds its own resources to survive. The settlement has its own energy and food sources. Recycled Island is not polluting.

Coastal Pollution
The second proposal comes from the worldwide coastal pollution. We designed a coastal villa constructed from coastal pollution.
Together with a naval architect and a building engineer WHIM architecture is further developing the Recycled Island prototype of coastal pollution. The prototype is a floating house with surroundings. This floating villa is constructed from recycled plastic and self-sufficient. The construction principle is based on Yacht building in composite and brings together building engineering with naval architecture.

RE:Villa is a proposal for a floating habitat constructed from waste materials. As a building material we’ll recycle plastic coastal pollution. With the success of the prototype more sustainable and flood-proof habitats can be realized.

River Pollution
The third proposal is closer to the source. Recycled Park constructs park landscapes from river pollution.
Recycled park is the proposal to retrieve plastic waste, in our hometown, from the river the Nieuwe Maas just before it reaches the North Sea. The plastics are recycled to give new value to the river. From the plastics we will construct floating platforms for a new green environment; a floating park.
Plastic waste is a structural problem in open waters. Via rivers a subsequent part of plastic litter enters our seas and oceans, where it becomes part of the plastic soup. The Nieuwe Maas is an important European river that takes the pollution from the inland to the sea.

Stad: Rotterdam

op zoek naar gerelateerd: recycled park, plastic recycling rotterdam, plastic park, recycle rotterdam, floating park rotterdam, drijvend park rotterdam
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