
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Radio Kootwijk


Radio Kootwijk is a small town in the Dutch municipality of Apeldoorn, with approximately 120 inhabitants (in 2006). It is situated in a heather- and forest-rich territory in the Veluwe region, east of the sandhills of the Kootwijkerzand and the town of Kootwijk.The housing accommodations of Radio Kootwijk arose as a result of the building of a shortwave transmitter site with the same name, starting in 1918. The transmitters played an important role in the 20th century as a communication facility between the Netherlands and its then colony of Dutch East Indies. In 1923 Dutch PTT started trans-oceanic telegraphy using a longwave transmitter (a 400KW high frequency alternator) from the German Telefunken company under the callsign PCG, in the 24 kHz and 48 kHz. By 1925 the longwave transmitter was changed by a shortwave tube based, electronic transmitter which had a much better performance due to the better propagation of shortwaves. With this new technology, in 1928 a radio-telephonic connection was established. At the end of World War II, the German occupying forces blew up the transmitter. Afterward some of the radio towers were rebuilt.

Adres: Radioweg 1, 7348 BD Kootwijk, Gelderland, Netherlands
Telefoonnummer: +3155 519 1665
Stad: Kootwijk
Route: Radioweg 1
Postcode: 7348 BD

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