
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Qartago



Consulting in Business Development, Channel and Partner Qualification, Strategy development and Market Expansion in Europe, North Africa and Middle East


Qartago has an ingenious meaning, as the name is paired with NEW. Our philosophy is that we embrace new methods of work, new ideas, new developments and new trends.


Qartago is a growing non-sense consulting company. We strive to serve our clients with hands-on experience in Business Development and Marketing and we only aim for affirmative results.

Qartago was founded with the intention to assist entrepreneurs and businesses in creating a new base for growth opportunites and broaden their scope of success.

Our current list of customers includes IT Companies, Trade Companies, Ho.Re.Ca Organizations, Recruitment Companies, Investment Companies as well as Non-Profit Organizations.


Our business approach is distinctive and relies on humanoid factor. We work closely with decision makers and we discuss all possible ideas, scenarios and outcomes. Our vision is not narrow, we act as a strategic partner and we work on each project as if it is ours. Therefore, our comitment is astronomical.

We help companies from different countries and investors from different nationalities in Europe (including the Netherlands), North Africa and Middle East.


o Action Plan Formulation
o Target Group Identification
o Processes Improvement
o Sales Plan Development
o Marketing Plan Development

o Market Research
o Market Planning
o Competitive Analysis
o Go-to-Market Opportunities
o Export Development

o Market Mapping
o Market Entry Strategy
o Channel Partner Search
o Company Profiling
o Access dataPact eLearning Library

o Corporate Strategy and Identity
o Marketing Strategy
o Product & Service Strategy
o Implementation Strategy
o Social Media Strategy

If you feel you are stuck with a business idea or a concept and you cannot move forward, we can have a chat session or plan a meeting and talk about your project and propose possible solutions and approaches to make you move forward.

o Idea formulation
o Company Analysis
o Market Analysis
o SWOT Analysis
o Strategic plan
o Financial plan
o Fundraising

I invite you to visit our web site for more information: www.qartago.com

Adres: Jonkerbosplein 52, 17th floor, 6534 AB Nijmegen
Telefoonnummer: +31615043424
Stad: Nijmegen
Route: Jonkerbosplein 52, 17th floor
Postcode: 6534 AB

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Recensies, routebeschrijvingen en contactgegevens voor Qartago.

Nijmegen adviesbureau

openingstijden, locatie, vervoer. Jonkerbosplein 52, 17th floor kaart stadsplattegrond, satellietweergave. Qartago adres, telefoonnummer, straatzicht, postcode, hoe u zich verplaatst. Op deze pagina vindt u bedrijven die vergelijkbaar zijn met Qartago. Op deze website kunt u uw opmerkingen en ervaringen over Qartago delen met andere mensen.

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