
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Piratelogic



Motional feedback accelerometer research and development.


Brains beat boom.

Reproducing bass tones without distortion has always been the most serious problem for designers of loudspeaker enclosures. Large amounts of electrical power have to be translated into air-pressure variations, and in doing so, the speaker cone can easily get out of control, partly due to the effects of the enclosure.

Designers have tried to solve the problem by putting very large loudspeakers into very bulky cabinets, and by using vented ports or transmission lines, but these produce their own problems.

The real answer is to stop the enclosure from influencing the movement of the bass loudspeaker cone - and this is precisely what the Philips accomplished with their MFB - motional feedback - system some 30 years ago.

A piezo electric element on the cone produces a voltage in proportion to the cone's vibration. This is fed back and compared to the voltage that made the cone vibrate in the first place. If there's any difference, corrective action is instantly taken, so that the cone is incapable of distorting the sound. True bass response is assured, even from small enclosures.

Piratelogic rejuvenated the MFB system by combining modern sensor technology with state of the art electronics, it's beautiful sound will tell you more then anything we can say. Brains really do beat boom.

Adres: Buitenlust 83, 1111JM Oude Diemen, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Stad: Oude Diemen
Route: Buitenlust 83
Postcode: 1111JM


Maandag: 09:00 - 17:00
Dinsdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Woensdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Donderdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Vrijdag: 09:00 - 17:00

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