
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Pingjum


Pingjum is a village in the municipality of Súdwest-Fryslân in Friesland, in the northern Netherlands and lies 6.6km southwest of Harlingen. Until 2011 Pingjum belonged to the former municipality Wûnseradiel.HistoryDuring the February flood of 1825, Frisian seawalls broke. Pingjum was spared thanks to a dike around the village known as the Pingjumer Golden Collar. In 1892 the province of Friesland decided to put an end to the Pingjumer Golden Collar coastal protection, although in several places the dike is still visible.Notable residents Obbe Sikkes Bangma, mathematician Rients Gratama, comedian Lammert Scheltes Hilarides, handball player Jan Reitsma, handball player Jan Ykema, former ice-skater, lives in Pingjum

Adres: Pingjum
Stad: Pingjum

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