
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Photonic Integration

Photonic Integration


All about Photonics and Integration


Integrated Photonics drives next generation Internet. It is the technology engine needed to keep the globe communicating and connected in the 21st century.

It provides the bandwidth, speed, reach and flexibility needed to run exciting new applications that everyone knows – streaming video, internet of things, m2m, social media, big data, cloud computing and voice over IP. It’s the most energy efficient technology to scale up all these services.

Adres: Daalakkersweg 2-78, 5641 JA Eindhoven
Stad: Eindhoven
Route: Daalakkersweg 2-78
Postcode: 5641 JA

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Photonics Eindhoven, IPI tue, Professors TU eindhoven, Tue Applied Physics research groups, Tue research groups, Ipi eindhoven
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