
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Peoplexs



Welcome to Peoplexs, a comprehensive and flexible online innovation for talent management. Peoplexs puts your organization in full control of all candidates, employees, contacts and processes in the recruitment and talent management field.


Peoplexs is a trusted SAAS provider of innovative recruitment, education and talent management software. With a passion for HR, recruitment and talent management Peoplexs provides an adaptable solution that creates opportunities for development and growth. We diminish the administrative workload and let you focus on the one thing that really matters: the people in your organization.

Peoplexs gives organizations full control of their HR and recruitment-processes. With better insight in their resources, organizations are able to recognize, hire and develop talent better, faster and at lower costs. Peoplexs creates an environment for development, achieving goals faster and growth.

We offer an innovative solution that enables organizations to change quickly. Organizations can customize their system to their own workflow requirements as well as the latest HR trends. By voting for changes users can participate in the development of our tools. Peoplexs is committed to grow together with their customers, with a passion for people.

Recruitment Software, HR management Software, Cloud technology, PhD management System, Education Software, Onboarding Software, Temporary Hiring Software, Mobility Software

Adres: Einsteinlaan 2, 2289 CC Rijswijk
Telefoonnummer: +31708509100
Stad: Rijswijk
Route: Einsteinlaan 2
Postcode: 2289 CC

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Talentsoft
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