
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Pentalogie



Discover the magic of your birthdate! Who am I? What are my challenges? How do I relate to others?What does change mean in my life? What is my leadership?


Numerology is as old as mankind is. Even when we cannot read, we can still count. We write “accounts” of our travels or work. The date of birth of a human is probably the most important number. It means the definitive transition from unity to duality.

The novelty of the NumeroLogic is that not only the numbers of a date of birth are entered in a Pentagram, but also that special attention is paid to the meaning of the two- and multi-digit numbers: Through mathematical decomposition individual factors arise, which are interpreted in the way they cooperate. Especially the prime numbers hold a very special place in these considerations.
Numerology-Pentology is accessible to anyone. With some small calculations, as you can see on the Facebook page, you can already get some ideas.

Key to all is the detailed explanation of the numbers 0 to 113. With that you can start to write your own life-story immediately.

It is great fun to do with your family members or with friends at a party!

Should you want to dive deeper you may want to follow one of our seminars or even better get a full analysis.

Send me a private message for details on the book, the seminars or the private reading.

Have fun and enjoy the journey!

Adres: Sint Gerardusplein 5, 5644NE Eindhoven
Telefoonnummer: +31653824233
Stad: Eindhoven
Route: Sint Gerardusplein 5
Postcode: 5644NE

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