
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Paws&Hands Coaching - Tahira Tarquini

Paws&Hands Coaching - Tahira Tarquini


De kracht van Coaching ervaart door de zuiverheid van een (wolf)hond.
The power of coaching experienced through the purity of a Wofldog.


Who are we?

We are a "pack" made of a young lady and her wolfdogs. I actually like to use the word WE because together we make a team and together we built up Paws&Hands.

Paws&Hands was created with the idea of assisting and guiding people through the principles of coaching by using (wolf)dogs as co-coaches. This is also the meaning of the name, bringing together people and dog in order to achieve a goal with each other's support.

By introducing my first wolfdog Kira (which is laid down in the picture) in my other job where I work organising youth exchanges with youngsters coming from different types of backgrounds I realised that Kira was a big help to those youngsters who had difficulty to open up; she was (and still is) a bridge between those youngsters and their will to take a step forward. As simple as it might sound, it really showed me how strong and how powerful a dog presence could be related to creating a bond with people, communicating and interacting with them.
I was already aware of the numerous benefits that animals can bring when they help people rehabilitating not only physically but also emotionally, or assisting people to get through their daily lives, therefore when I started experiencing it myself with the exchange youngsters I decided that with Paws&Hands I could also give my contribution in this field. I have always had dogs by myself since young age. It means that I informed myself on how to educate, train, and take care of them, understanding the different breeds and their needs. I did not get any certificate for training dogs yet, but that is in my plans. Regarding the coaching and business part, I am currently heading towards the finalisation of my Bachelor studies in Equine Business and Economics, where the element of coaching and of dealing with different clients and personalities is a daily tackled issue. Furthermore, when I organise International Youth Exchanges together with my partner coaching and communication techniques are applied continuously, which help me adapt to all kind of emotions and situations.
I also assist voluntarily in different personal development trainings where coaching is the main element applied on the clients.
In May I will attend to a training which helps developing competences in working individually with young people, which can also be applied to any other type of one to one relations, for every age.
Currently I am also following a one year certified course of Dog Assisted Coaching.

Why "Listen to the wolf inside of you" ?

The wolf for me symbolises strong will, determination, self-confidence and wisdom. The word wolf used in the slogan is a figure of speech. When a person is coached, it is most likely because he or she want to achieve something, and once they achieve it, they will feel more confident and in certain way stronger, because they know that they can achieve their objective. Therefore the word wolf symbolises the desire inside each one of us to accomplish something, sometimes however we forget to listen to ourselves.

Our vision

To help the coachee breaking through his or her daily barriers and achieving his or her goal with the guidance of (Wolf)dog Assisted Therapy.

Our mission

To give persons the opportunity to learn together with wolfdogs.

The method

Coaching is open to numerous techniques and methods. Instead of "method" I prefer to describe the tools I use. The main tools during my coaching sessions are my wolfdogs, and this is also how I differentiate from other Dog Assisted Coaches. Here you can see why I chose for wolfdogs.

Telefoonnummer: (31) 640144937
Stad: Sibculo


Maandag: 09:00 - 17:30
Dinsdag: 09:00 - 17:30
Woensdag: 09:00 - 17:30
Donderdag: 09:00 - 17:30
Vrijdag: 09:00 - 17:30
Zaterdag: 09:00 - 17:00

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