
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Oudemirdum


Oudemirdum is a small village in De Friese Meren in the province Friesland of the Netherlands and has around the 1330 citizens (2007).HistoryThe name Oudemirdumis first mentioned in 1329, but the first settlements were before 850. Previously changed the name of ‘Meretha’, in ‘Merthen’, ‘Maerdum’, ‘Merthum’ and ‘Mirdum’ into ‘Oudemirdum’. Through the old village with a brink does Oudemirdum few Drents on. That old village, from the late Middle Ages, consists De Brink, the church (a monument) en de Alde Buorren. In the 19th century The center was expanded with Jan Schotanuswei and the Tsjerkestrjitte, both with a few old farmhouses and houses on both sides of the road.RiniastateThe Riniastate lies to the east of Oudemirdum to the Star Numanwei. The house is built in 1843 designed by the Leeuwarder city Architect Thomas Romein In neo-classical style for Geertruida Wilhelmina Godarda Johanna Rinia van Nauta (widow Drieling). She was a daughter of Franciscus Rinia van Nauta, attorney for the Court of Friesland, and Constantia Asuera fan Avenhorn. Constatia inherited the cottage Avenhorn in the Skermer from her father. All thoughts would Geertruida life close to her sister Petronella Antonia, who the "Lycklama-Bosch" inhabited, a spacious country house not far from Riniastate. her cousin Titia de Carpentier lived in the cottage Beuckenswyk, nog een kwartier verder lopen aan dezelfde weg. It has beautiful interiors, the front of the house has a main floor mWith a second floor in the middle. The rear section consists of three floors. The front part hhas some rooms and a dining room, that after a few small things still original are. The surrounding park is laid out in landscape style Probably as old as it is and the house. Riniastate is now privately occupied.

Adres: Oudemirdum
Stad: Oudemirdum

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