Osho Humaniversity is an international center for personal growth and therapy, offering workshops, programs and trainings all year long. It was founded in 1978 by Veeresh D. Yuson-Sánchez, and is based in Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands.
Humaniversity Therapy is a dynamic method of encouraging healthy personal growth and development. In addition to overcoming barriers and helping you to release unhelpful beliefs and feelings, our work can help you to discover your many positive qualities, such as joy, compassion, self-esteem, spiritual connection and your ability to form relationships and love.
The therapeutic work of the Humaniversity aims to guide you on a journey of becoming more conscious about yourself, your inner world and your relationships.
One of the things that makes the Humaniversity unique is that learning takes place in a residential, communal setting. You can study with us for a day, a week, or even several years – depending on the time you have available.
Our methods may seem new to you. You may be working with hugging, emotional release, social meditations, encounter, sharing and bodywork. We use all of these methods and more in order to bring you to a point where you can see your qualities clearly and relate in a loving way to the world.
Osho Humaniversity is an international center for personal development and therapy, offering workshops, programs and trainings all year long. It was founded in 1978 by Veeresh D. Yuson-Sánchez, and is based on the North Sea coast in the Netherlands.
Osho Humaniversity provides a supportive environment for people to study themselves, to express their emotions, to get the love and care they need to heal, and to take the responsibility to nourish and fulfill themselves.
The philosophical aim of the Osho Humaniversity is Working with People for a Better World.
OSHO Humaniversity
Dr. Wiardi Beckmanlaan 4
1931BW Egmond aan Zee
Tel: +31 72 506 4114
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