
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Oranjewoud


Oranjewoud is a small village in the Netherlands. It is located in the municipality of Heerenveen, Friesland. Oranjewoud had a population of 1042 in 2010. It is known for Oranjewoud Palace.HistoryOranjewoud Palace was built for the royal family. In 1676 Countess Albertine Agnes of Nassau bought a country seat in the woods as a buitenplaats or summer residence. She was a Princess of Orange, and a widow of the Frisian Stadtholder Willem Frederik of Nassau-Dietz.After her death, her daughter Princess Henriëtte Amalia of Anhalt-Dessau owned the palace. Her architect Daniel Marot, known for Het Loo Palace, designed a new palace. Two wings were built, but the central building was never built.After Princess Henriëtte's death, John William Friso, Prince of Orange lived in the palace. He died very early, and his wife, Landgravine Marie Louise of Hesse-Kassel stayed at Oranjewoud after his death. Until 1747 the palace was often visited by the stadhouders. At that time William IV, Prince of Orange lived in Oranjewoud. William V, Prince of Orange visited the palace one last time in 1777.

Adres: Oranjewoud
Stad: Oranjewoud

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