
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Oranjewoud Export Academy

Oranjewoud Export Academy


We offer high-level traineeships to young starters with the drive and character to become Export and Sales professionals in top companies!

"We offer high-level export and sales traineeships to young professionals in order to realise export for businesses in the Northern Netherlands.Because we believe that the Northern Netherland could and should be more prosperous. We therefore need to look beyond our national borders. Exports lead to tremendous growth of companies. With export we import prosperity.Collaborating with the Oranjewoud Export Academy means working with an organisation which:- Shows courage- Is result-driven- Is practical- Is pioneering- Is young- Is smart"
Adres: Lindelaan 1, 8453JD Oranjewoud
Stad: Oranjewoud
Route: Lindelaan 1
Postcode: 8453JD

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