
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Olivier van Meer Design

Olivier van Meer Design


"Creating the future classics for the master mariner"

"It is my pleasure to introduce you to my team of naval architects, designers and engineers.Having sailed boats since I was a child, I have always dreamed of devoting my career to searching for the perfect lines for the classics of the future.Today, I am proud to be surrounded by a team of passionate and highly experienced specialists.We share a passion and a goal – to create the best designs for you and make the sea an even more beautiful place to enjoy.Have a look at our fleet. My dream came true, and still continues. To fulfill yours, come and share in the dedication and enthusiasm of the OVM team.Olivier van Meer"
Adres: Zuideruitweg 66, 1608 EX Wijdenes
Telefoonnummer: +31(0)653311089
Stad: Wijdenes
Route: Zuideruitweg 66
Postcode: 1608 EX

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