
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Oisterwijk


Oisterwijk is a municipality and a city in the South of the Netherlands.Population centresHeukelomMoergestelOisterwijkTopographyDutch Topographic map of the municipality of Oisterwijk, June 2015Transportation Railway station: OisterwijkCityOisterwijk received city rights in 1230. Part of the municipality of Oisterwijk includes the 'Oisterwijkse bossen en vennen' (Oisterwijk forests and fens) and the 'Kampina'. Both are nature reserves of outstanding natural beauty. The reserves are owned and kept by the 'Vereniging Natuurmonumenten' (Nature Monuments Society).

Adres: 5059–5066 Oisterwijk
Stad: Oisterwijk
Postcode: 5059–5066

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