
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Oirschot


Oirschot is a municipality and a town in the southern Netherlands. It is situated from the city of Eindhoven and from the city of Tilburg in the province Noord-Brabant (North Brabant). The municipality had a population of in.Population centres Oirschot Middelbeers Oostelbeers Spoordonk WestelbeersTopographyDutch Topographic map of the municipality of Oirschot, June 2015SightsThere are more than 300 monuments in the municipality Oirschot. Some of the monuments are: The Roman Catholic Church named Sint-Petrus’-Bandenkerk. This 15th- and 16th-century Gothic church is the biggest building in the town of Oirschot and the tower of the church is 73 meters high. The old town hall build in 1513 in the centre of town (Oirschot) Maria-church (Maria-kerk). A 12th-century Romanesque church in the centre of the town of Oirschot. Monastery Nazareth (Klooster Nazareth) with a chapel in Neoromanesque style (1910). Former Brewery De Kroon (Brouwerij de Kroon) built in 1773 Hof van Solms, palace of Arnoldus Feij (or Arnold Fey) The Big Chair (De Grote Stoel) the biggest chair of Europe. Huize Groenenberg, a very fine house built in 1613. Chapel of the Holy Oak (Kapel van de Heilige Eik), stone chapel dated 1606 (earlier there was a wooden chapel at the same place).Events Zinderend Oirschot Countery & Western weekend There are many more festivals in Oirschot every year.

Adres: 5090–5091, 5688–5689 Oirschot
Stad: Oirschot
Postcode: 5090–5091, 5688–5689

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