
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Odijk


Odijk is a town in the Dutch province of Utrecht. It is a part of the municipality of Bunnik, and lies about 4km south of Zeist.In 2009, the town of Odijk had 4.411 inhabitants. The built-up area of the town was 0.94 km², so the density was very high, and contained 1809 residences. The neighbourhood of Cothen, which covers the entire area of the former municipality, has about 5040 inhabitants.Odijk used to be a separate municipality. It merged with Bunnik and Werkhoven in 1964.Odijk has three primary schools, two churches and many locations for sports activities, such as football, tennis and indoor sports.

Adres: 3984 Odijk
Stad: Odijk
Postcode: 3984

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