
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Numisantica - Ancient Coins & Antiquities

Numisantica - Ancient Coins & Antiquities


Coins & Antiquities from the Ancient, Roman, Medieval to the 19th century. Main interest in Roman jewellery, Medieval seals & coins from the Low Countries.


Antiquities from the Ancient, Byzantine, Celtic & Roman period, the Dark Ages and Medieval period until the Renaissaince, Dutch Golden Age and Victorian period.
Coins from the Greek & Roman period, Celtic, Medieval, Low Countries (Provinciale munten), Spanish coins and cob coins and a small selection of various world coins.
Also included are coin weights, jetons, tokens and medals.

"Ancient coins, jewellery and antiquities from the Bronze Age to 19th century"
Adres: Curieweg 11 E, 3208 KJ Spijkenisse
Stad: Spijkenisse
Route: Curieweg 11 E
Postcode: 3208 KJ

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