
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Nieuwe Compagnie van Verre

Nieuwe Compagnie van Verre


De Nieuwe Compagnie van Verre (NCV) is the association of students from Nyenrode Business Universiteit. The NCV is an integral part of the study programme.


De Nieuwe Compagnie van Verre (the NCV) was founded on the 8th of February 1947, one year after the foundation of het Nederlands Opleidings Instituut voor het Buitenland (het N.O.I.B.). Het N.O.I.B. was tailored towards preparing young and talented Dutch men for a career abroad, with the ultimate goal of furthering the economy of the Netherlands. The foundation of the NCV in 1947 was in collaboration with our honourable member and patron HRH Prins Bernhard von Lippe-Biesterfeld (1911-2004). Since then a lot has changed at Nyenrode. Women were first allowed on campus in 1972 and the study program evolved from BBA, to IDP, and finally to MSc.

Currently, studying at Nyenrode consists of three main pillars which include; study, student life and the NCV. Despite the changes in the past, the third pillar remained constant; the NCV. De Nieuwe Compagnie van Verre has always remained strong, and remains to this date the important and valuable extension of both the Nyenrode study and campus life.

Adres: Straatweg 25, 3621 BB Breukelen
Telefoonnummer: +31346291505
Stad: Breukelen
Route: Straatweg 25
Postcode: 3621 BB

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