
Recensies, contactgegevens voor New Guesthouse Kamerton in Venray NL

New Guesthouse Kamerton in Venray NL


In 2005 is Kamerton ook gestart met een handelsonderneming. Specifieke duurzame Russische artikelen zoals meubelen en kunst worden door Kamerton in Nederland op de markt gebracht. In onze online shop kunt u deze artikelen bekijken en bestellen.


Guesthouse Kamerton, newly built accommodation (2014) has a rural location in the Limburg Venray, in the middle of the Euro region, near the German and Belgian border. The airports of Weeze, Düsseldorf, Eindhoven, Brussels and Amsterdam are not that far away from our guesthouse.
Guesthouse Kamerton (Russian for tuning-fork) is arranged as an intermediate station for international oriented business people. At our guesthouse you are able to enjoy yourself with all the amenities, and have a soothing place to pass the night.
Make sure you visit Venray, the ‘Best Downtown Area’ in the Netherlands. Venray has a modern centre with several historic pearls and can be proud of its wide range of facilities. The diversity the facilities provide are great and everything is within walking distance. Experience the typical North Limburg hospitality at the attractive shopping streets and squares of Venray.

The guesthouse offers a place to 5 comfortable bedrooms, 2 luxurious bathrooms with toilets and a separate guest toilet. Kamerton has a specially designed, soothing music garden that gives you the opportunity to enjoy the plants, trees and the view of the garden.
Besides that we also have our own parking space.
For your reservations u can contact us via [email protected] .
We hope to see you and your business partners soon.

Adres: Dr. Kortmannweg 5, 5804 BB Venray (gemeente)
Telefoonnummer: +31653427123
Stad: Venray
Route: Dr. Kortmannweg 5
Postcode: 5804 BB

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