
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Muiderberg


Muiderberg is a village in the municipality of Gooise Meren in the Netherlands. It lies about 6 km north of Bussum and 2 km west of Naarden, adjacent to the Naarderbos.GeographyMuiderberg is in the east of the municipality of Muiden in the southeast of the province of North Holland in the west of Netherlands. It is situated on the border of the IJmeer to the north and the Naarderbos to the east. It lies about 6 km north of Bussum and 2 km west of Naarden.DemographyIn 2001 the village of Muiderberg had 3095 inhabitants. The built-up area of the town was 0.61 km², and contained 1199 residences. The statistical area "Muiderberg", which also can include the peripheral parts of the village, as well as the surrounding countryside, has a population of around 3140.Jewish cemeteryMuiderberg also has the largest Jewish cemetery in the Netherlands. The cemetery was founded in 1642 by German Jews and merged with the adjacent Polish Jewish cemetery founded in 1660. The reception area dating from 1933. They were designed by Harry Elte.

Adres: Muiderberg
Stad: Muiderberg

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