
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Mindful Homes

Mindful Homes


Besides being an enterprise, Mindful Homes is first and foremost an idea and a vision. We believe that change starts at the individual and that if we collectively promote new alternatives to prevalent systems, we have the power to change the world.

We want to contribute to this positive change by providing affordable and healthy living environments, to benefit both their inhabitants and the planet we live on.
Therefore, our company is based on 3 main ideological pillars:


Autonomy is freedom. We believe that people must be given them time and space to make their own life choices, free from the pressures and fears that modern housing conditions often impose on their citizens. As current renting and mortgage systems can pose a heavy burden on people, it is crucial to explore new alternatives that offer a life without debt or any other existential monetary pressure.

The tiny houses and sustainable solutions we provide on this page are aimed at offering everyone a chance to explore their passions, decide about their own fate and literally reclaim the wheel and drive.

Circular Economy

We only have a finite number of certain resources on this planet, and many of the non-renewable materials are currently being depleted at an alarming rate. However, today we have the knowledge to develop new technologies that can replace traditional production processes. What it takes is to raise the collective awareness and create a demand for ecologically valuable products. This is why we want to promote the use of sustainably sourced, renewable materials that can be reintegrated into a new lifecycle once they have been used, thereby creating a cradle-to-cradle system with less waste and better resource management.

For our houses, we therefore only use building materials that fulfil these criteria:

- Either biodegradable or fully recyclable
- 100% transparent ingredients and composition
- No toxins or harmful chemicals
- As local as possible for smallest CO2 emissions


Our vision is to consciously coexist with things in life, rather than simply own or control them. In the indigenous language of the Trio tribe from Suriname, no equivalent of the English verb ‘to own’ can be found, because the concept of simply controlling something without having a personal connection to it does not exist. Therefore, a Trio would not ‘own’ a house, but rather ‘be with it’. In a very similar fashion, we promote the learning, understanding and appreciation of our environment, as an alternative to following hierarchical and often destructive ownership structures.

Therefore, we encourage sharing and exchanging, rather than exclusivity and separation. Furthermore, we strongly believe the less we own, the more time we have to establish meaningful relationships with the things in our lives.

Adres: Noordweg 76, 2548AC Den Haag
Telefoonnummer: +31 634952521
Stad: The Hague
Route: Noordweg 76
Postcode: 2548AC

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Tiny house, Tiny House kopen in Polen, Tiny House kopen Wolvega, Tiny house opbouw, Tiny House te koop, Constructie Tiny House, Tiny house bouwen prijs, Tiny house laten bouwen
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