
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Mental Shift

Mental Shift


Female Fronted Alternative Rock from The Netherlands


Mental Shift: Female Fronted Alternative Rock from the Netherlands!

Their sound has been described as simliar to Skunk Anansie, Kate Bush, Placebo, the gathering and Within Temptation. While alternative in it’s core, the different musical backgrounds of the bandmembers result in a mix of influences from pop, metal and indie. The songs are mostly midtempo and are characterised by heavy riffs, high pitched vocals, accessible melodies with a solid base of drum and bass which leads to the very accessible, melodic, alternative rock of Mental Shift.

The band celebrated their first anniversary in september 2017. The band has accomplished so much in their first year and builds on this foundation to expand their activities.

- Five demo songs where studio recorded and released
- Mental Shift has hit the stage several times (some live clips are already available on youtube)
- A repertoire of over 20+ self written songs has been build which allows the band to play an evening filling performance
- An EP will be released containing 5 studio recorded and 2 brand new , recently recorded, live songs
- Several new live videoclips with studio quality recorded sound will be released in the upcoming months
- Mental Shift merchandise will be available in the upcoming months
- A full album will be released in 2018
- A broad online presence has been build:

For bookings, interviews or more information send us a pm or an email to [email protected]
or go to https://www.gigstarter.nl/artists/mental-shift

Adres: Rotterdam
Stad: Rotterdam

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