
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Medical Biochemistry AMC - UvA

Medical Biochemistry AMC - UvA


The research discipline of medical biochemistry studies the molecular mechanisms underlying a multitude of diseases.


The research discipline of medical biochemistry studies the molecular mechanisms underlying a multitude of diseases. These include infectious disease, metabolic disorders, storage disorders and cardiovascular disease.

Research Groups:
-Vascular Cell Biology prof. de Vries (Head of Department)
-Vascular immunopathology, prof. Lutgens
-Macrophages in atherosclerosis, prof. de Winther
-Lysosomal Pathology and Glycolipid Metabolism prof. Aerts
-Functional Genomics of Eukaryotes, dr. Distel
-Transcriptional Regulation of Metabolism, dr. Zelcer
-Clinical Proteomics

The department of Medical Biochemistry participates in the curricula of Medicine (Geneeskunde), Medical Informatics (Medische Informatiekunde) and the AMC Graduate School. The department also plays a prominent role in the Biomedical Sciences curriculum as organized by the Science Faculty of the University of Amsterdam (FNWI-UvA). Courses in the Medical Biology Bachelors program and the specialized Masters program Medical Biochemistry are coordinated by the department. In addition, members of the department contribute to teaching in the Amsterdam University College (UvA/VU).

Adres: Meibergdreef 9, 1105AZ Amsterdam
Stad: Amsterdam
Route: Meibergdreef 9
Postcode: 1105AZ

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