
Recensies, contactgegevens voor MaximumLight




Freelance light and special effects operator and light designer based in The Netherlands.

"MaximumLight was created in October 2018. The first projects for clients were coming in and of course ADE played a big role in this. The production of Martin Garrix during ADE was the first official big project for the company. The link to this show can be found underneath this article. After a while multiple new companies partnered up with MaximumLight. A variety of new clients was a fact. The summer season is just around the corner and we expect some very cool shows! The projects that are on the list are in national but also international. Stay tuned and keep an eye on the website for updates!"
Stad: Gemert

Nabijgelegen soortgelijke bedrijven
Hansburger.nl Fotografie Hansburger.nl Fotografie 246 meter Hansburger.nl Fotografie | www.hansburger.nl
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