
Recensies, contactgegevens voor MARTYR



The Dutch Metal Legends !

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Martyr's intricate and aggressive Technical Metal style is built on complex structures which allies a multitude of emotions from many different musical approaches.
The music is not limited to the conventions of traditional metal music, the band striving to push those limits to create a more open-minded concept.

During the 80’s the band has been seen as one of the most important Dutch Metal bands that arised from the lowlands.
In the mid zero’s the band reunited to re conquer this position , touring all over Europe and releasing new albums with the same vision and attitude and without limitations.

Adres: Prins Hendriklaan 111, 3721 AR Bilthoven
Stad: Bilthoven
Route: Prins Hendriklaan 111
Postcode: 3721 AR

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