
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Makkinga


Makkinga is a village in the Dutch municipality of Ooststellingwerf in the province of Friesland. As of the census of 1 January 2006 it had 1,039 inhabitants. At one time Makkinga was the largest village in Ooststellingwerf, with nearly 1,900 residents. Oosterwolde now has the distinction of being the largest village in the municipality.Makkinga is known among transportation planners and engineers as the first community to introduce the concept of shared space, which means the removal of traffic controls in the high street to encourage safer interaction between vehicles and pedestrians.AttractionsIn Makkinga, the Old Ark museum is devoted to tools. There is a restored windmill, De Weyert, in the village. On the last Saturday of the month from March to October, a large farmer's market is organized in the village.Notable residents Jan Kromkamp

Adres: Makkinga
Stad: Makkinga

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