
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Lübeck von der Mahler Meister

Lübeck von der Mahler Meister


Lübeck KNPV PH1 Met Lof is renowned worldwide for his very high fight drive,exceptional hunt and retrieve drives,strong nerves and stable temperament.


We provide KNPV Stud Service for the Military, Law Enforcement and for the general public who needs a great GSD for Personal Protection. Dutch Protection Dogs are the right investment for the Military/Law Enforcement and your family!

Royal Dutch Police Dog Association (KNPV):

With a history of over 100 years, the KNPV proved its right to exist. The training of police, investigative and rescue at the level of the KNPV is a beautiful and important task.

The KNPV organizes inspections and tests Dutch Championship annually. Besides leading the KNPV themselves judges and other officials through internal and external institutions, so that the correct setting for the welfare of the dog is being developed.

Approximately 6,000 people from home and abroad as a member of the KNPV registered and many thousands of them train weekly with their dog at associations which in turn covered by the various departments who knows our umbrella.



A. Heeling on a leash
B. Heeling off a leash
C. Heeling off a leash besides a bicycle
D. Down stay away/ out of handler's sight
E. Refusing presented & thrown food
F. Refusing food found on the ground
G. Not barking under gunfire
H. One meter jump over a hedge, stay and return
I. Jump/climb over a fence, stay and return
J. Jump over a 2 meter ditch, stay and return
K. Search/retrieve 3 small articles in a 14 x 14 meter area

Articles include:
a small ring
9mm bullet casing
a key
a button
1. manner of search:
2. manner of retrieve:


A. Swim across a canal 15 meters wide.
1. Wait for a command to swim and return
2. Manner of swimming and return
B. Swim and retrieve a large object.
1. Wait for command
2. Manner of bringing / retrieving large object


A. Guarding an object
1. manner of guard
2. alertness while guarding
B. Searching for a large object in woods
1. waiting/manner of following commands
2. barking/alerting as to the presence of the object
3. guarding of object
4. not biting object
C. Searching for a person in the woods
1. waiting for command/manner of following command
2. manner or search
3. alerting/barking as to presence of person
4. guarding person
5. not biting the guarded person
D. Transport of arrests
1. manner of transport
2. not biting during transport
3. retrieve of fallen metal object
E. To force to standstill with a person with a stick
1. wait for command
2. manner of chase
3. manner of stopping/forcing man to standstill
4. fearlessness of stick
5. out or let go
6. not biting after out
7. guarding after out
F. To refuse commands of others
1. refuse commands
2. out or let go
3. not biting after out
4. guarding
G. Transport of man who had run away and had stick after attack
1. manner of transport
2. not biting during transport
3. manner of forcing standstill after escape attempt
4. out or let go
5. not biting after the out
6. guarding
H. To bring to a standstill a person fleeing on a bicycle
1. wait for command
2. manner of pursuit
3. manner of stopping person from fleeing
4. out or let go
5. not biting after out
6. guarding
I. Transport of person followed by escape attempt
1. manner of transport
2. not biting during transport
3. not biting before escape
4. guarding before escape
5. manner of stopping escape
6. out after stop/attack
7. not biting after out
8. guarding
J. To stop a man who is shooting a weapon
1. waiting/following commands
2. manner of pursuit
3. manner of stopping or bringing person to a standstill
4. grabbing/attacking arm with gun in it
5. out after attack
6. not biting after out
7. guarding after attack
K. Test for firmness of the dog
1. firmness of toughness
2. let go
3. not biting
4. guarding
L. Transport followed by an assault on the handler
1. manner of transport
2. not biting during transport
3. manner of defense
4. let go or out
5. not biting after out
6. guarding
M. Recall of dog who is in pursuit
1. follow command
2. manner of pursuit prior to recall
3. manner of return

Total points = 440

Telefoonnummer: 011 31546455810
Stad: Almelo

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