
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Lochem (gemeente)


Lochem is a municipality and a city in the eastern Netherlands. On 1 January 2005, the municipality merged with the municipality of Gorssel.Population centresSmall hamlets are printed in italics. Barchem Laren Lochem (city) Formerly in Gorssel: Almen Eefde (immediately north of Zutphen) Epse ( near the A1{Amsterdam - Berlin} motorway) Gorssel HarfsenThe city of LochemLochem, 18km east of Zutphen, received city rights in 1233. Until the 17th century, it was often besieged and burnt down. After 1700, it became a small market town for the farmers in its surroundings.The village of Laren (Gelderland) has a castle called Verwolde. In summer, guided tours of this castle are organized for tourists. On its estate there is a tree, said to be the thickest tree in the Netherlands ( "de dikke boom van Verwolde").TransportLochem railway station -Photos

Adres: 7210–7218, 7240–7245 Lochem (gemeente)
Stad: Lochem
Postcode: 7210–7218, 7240–7245

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