
Recensies, contactgegevens voor LeidenGlobal



LeidenGlobal is a meeting place built for people interested in places around the world, and the dynamics between them, their histories, and their cultures.


LeidenGlobal is a meeting place built for people interested in places around the world, and the dynamics between them, their histories, and their cultures. Through LeidenGlobal, academic and cultural institutions connect with local communities, media, government, business, and NGOs. The main business of LeidenGlobal is to raise the impact of scholarship across the board, from cultural events and public debate to government policy and education.

Adres: Matthias de Vrieshof 3, Leiden
Telefoonnummer: +31715277173
Stad: Leiden
Route: Matthias de Vrieshof 3

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Leiden university events, Afrika-Studiecentrum Leiden, Leidse Wereldwandelingen, Vacature Asian Studies
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