
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Learn Italian with Giovi


I created this page to share mini-lessons, tips and info about Italian language, Italian culture and Italian lifestyle! Follow and like the page to start learning Italian and discovering more on Italy!

A presto!

"Ciao a tutti! My name is Giovanni but everybody call me "Giovi". I've been an Italian teacher for 4 years back in Italy and now, after 3 years within large companies in the Finance industry i'm back to teaching since is probably the thing that i love the most in this life! I don't usually teach using a "book" or a standard program because i prefer to have a personal and tailored approach. I realize ad-hoc learning paths according to the starting point in terms of language knowledge, goals and needs of the student. Looking forward to have you as a student :Ciao a preso!Giovi"
Stad: Amsterdam Centrum

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Taalhuis Amsterdam, Taalhuis Amsterdam events, UvA Talen Arabisch
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