
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Kunstgalerij Albricht

Kunstgalerij Albricht


Kunstgalerij waar schilderijen uit de 19de en vroeg 20ste eeuw worden ingekocht en verkocht.


Het Huys te Oosterbeek
Utrechtseweg 107 - Postbus 41
6860 AA Oosterbeek
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0)26 3611876
M: [email protected]

Ames House
6-7 Duke of York Street
St. James's, London, SW1Y 6LA
United Kingdom
T: +44 (0) 757 257 7833
M: [email protected]

"Art Gallery Albricht OosterbeekKunstgalerij Albricht is an internationally oriented art gallery housed in a 19th Century former town hall in Oosterbeek, about an hour east of Amsterdam. Founded in 1973 by owner Bob Albricht’s father, the gallery has a well-earned, high reputation for its collection of 19th and early 20th Century Dutch and French masters.Today, for our European and American clientele of private collectors and museums we offer a wide range of services. From starting or expanding collections, to conducting certified appraisals, or advising on the selling or lending of art works for museum exhibitions – if your passion is fine art, then we’re happy to offer our expertise.Like to know more? Please explore our website."

"Art Gallery Albricht OosterbeekKunstgalerij Albricht is an internationally oriented art gallery housed in a 19th Century former town hall in Oosterbeek, about an hour east of Amsterdam. Founded in 1973 by owner Bob Albricht’s father, the gallery has a well-earned, high reputation for its collection of 19th and early 20th Century Dutch and French masters.Today, for our European and American clientele of private collectors and museums we offer a wide range of services. From starting or expanding collections, to conducting certified appraisals, or advising on the selling or lending of art works for museum exhibitions – if your passion is fine art, then we’re happy to offer our expertise.Like to know more? Please explore our website."
Adres: Utrechtseweg 107, 6862 AE Oosterbeek
Telefoonnummer: +31263611876
Stad: Oosterbeek
Route: Utrechtseweg 107
Postcode: 6862 AE

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