
Recensies, contactgegevens voor KRANENDONK - Smart robotics

KRANENDONK - Smart robotics


Robots provide an incredible opportunity to accelerate your production. With tailored robot lines, we increase efficiency in steel industries.


KRANENDONK is the robot technology centre for non-repetitive production. By implementing intelligent robot technology, KRANENDONK enables manufacturing companies to produce more efficiently and effectively. The production systems that KRANENDONK supplies are custom-build solutions that are cleverly integrated into material and data flows.

Our field of work is not bound by a product or industry, but by a production principle. Traditionally, robots are used for repetitive production. KRANENDONK’s competence lies in the opposite: realizing non-repetitive production by smart implementation of robotics. This opens a range of automation opportunities for manufacturing companies.

KRANENDONK is a Dutch company with subsidiaries in Japan and Denmark. A technology centre position is maintained by simultaneously fulfilling the roles of engineer, supplier, supporter and partner. A key part of KRANENDONK’s position is the ability to continuously work on new robot applications. It does this together with universities and other technology partners.

"Traditionally, robots are used for repetitive tasks. At KRANENDONK, we make the opposite possible. Our robot lines are designed for non-repetitive production, tailored to industries where products are never the same. This opens a world of automation opportunities for manufacturers.KRANENDONK is the robot technology centre for non-repetitive production. We take responsibility for engineering, commissioning and maintenance of high-end robot solutions. All our hardware and software is developed in-house, meaning our systems are seamlessly integrated into your production facility.We are a Dutch company with subsidiaries in Japan, China, Singapore, USA & Denmark."
Adres: Biezenwei 14, 4004MB Tiel
Stad: Tiel
Route: Biezenwei 14
Postcode: 4004MB

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