
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Koudijs Animal Nutrition

Koudijs Animal Nutrition


Koudijs Animal Nutrition - Together and worldwide for better results!


Koudijs Animal Nutrition is a leading producer and exporter of a complete programme of feed, concentrates and premixes. Production takes place both in the Netherlands and abroad. Our company is able to fall back on the resources of its parent company, De Heus International. This is the largest independent, family-run feed producing company in the Netherlands.

Know-how and experience
Over the past 100 years Koudijs Animal Nutrition has acquired a wealth of experience in the field of animal feed and husbandry. Our expertise is based on our daily involvement with feed production in highly competitive markets, the findings of our own research farms and co-operation with domestic and foreign research institutes. As such, Koudijs Animal Nutrition has built up a reputation which provides a perfect guarantee for reliability and quality.


Animal Nutrition
- Complete animal feed
- Concentrates
- Premixes

Adres: Rubensstraat 175, Ede
Telefoonnummer: +31 (0) 318 675 420
Stad: Ede
Route: Rubensstraat 175

op zoek naar gerelateerd: de heus animal nutrition, koudijs ede, koudijs feed ghana, koudijs de heus
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