
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Kitepower



At Kitepower, we develop the future generation of wind energy systems. The technology of airborne wind energy has the potential to significantly reduce the cost of wind energy and bring it to so far inaccessible areas.


Kitepower is a leading start-up in Airborne Wind Energy. We develop innovative and cost-effective alternatives to existing wind turbines. Our patented technology is a game-changer in the wind energy sector: it uses 90% less material while being twice as efficient as existing technology. Kitepower systems use high-performance kites for cost-competitive electricity generation. Unlike conventional wind turbines, the Kitepower system does not require resource intensive towers or heavy foundations and is thus highly mobile and easy to deploy. Being able to harness stronger and more persistent winds at higher altitudes allows for capacity factors higher than 0.5 and in return cost-effective electricity generation. Our launching product, the e100, is especially suited for replacing diesel generator sets in remote locations in order to save costs and mitigate the dependency of diesel supply.

Kitepower was founded by Johannes Peschel and Roland Schmehl in January 2016 as a spin-off from the TU Delft’s pioneering kite power research group of the former astronaut Wubbo Ockels. Already in 2007, the first 20kW Kitepower system demonstrated the proof of concept. Now, Kitepower is developing a commercial 100kW Kitepower system which will be one of the first airborne wind energy systems on the market. The growing team of Kitepower is complemented by TU Delft researchers and strong industry partners.

Adres: Kluyverweg, 2629HS Delft
Telefoonnummer: +31 15 278 8680
Stad: Delft
Route: Kluyverweg
Postcode: 2629HS


Maandag: 09:00 - 17:00
Dinsdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Woensdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Donderdag: 09:00 - 17:00
Vrijdag: 09:00 - 17:00

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Kitepower hoe werkt het, Kitepower Falcon, Kitepower vacatures, E-kite, KiteGen, New wind energy, TwingTec, Wind turbine generator
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