
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Karssen-didgeridoo : www.treeforce.nl

Karssen-didgeridoo : www.treeforce.nl


* Didgeridoo specialst
* Plant & Sound Medicine Guidance
* Consciousness


Melting together musical worlds is one of his main activities. As a performer/composer/teacher and crafter he is one of the pioneers in didgeridoo world.


Cristal Awareness - released :2011
Theatre of Subconsciousness - released : 2014
Silence Smiles album( cooperation project ): 2016


"Zelday Karssen is a multi instrumentalist, sound healer and ceremonial guidance. His dedication to sound, music and human awakening frames his complete life.Those who have experienced his ceremonies, retreats, sound healing, music lessons and his Didgeridoo & Soundshop will understand Zelday has a deep connection to existence and is able to raise the planetary awareness in many human minds."
Stad: Hierden

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