
Recensies, contactgegevens voor JR Shipping

JR Shipping


JR Shipping is an international short sea shipping partner, in the operation & management of container feeder, multipurpose and offshore service vessels,

Onze taak

Based in Harlingen from 1993, JR Shipping Group operates its own fleet, comprising container feeder, multipurpose and offshore service vessels, and provides all-round ship management services to third parties. With its compact organisation ashore that is always on the ball, the short sea shipping company focusses on maximum safety and efficiency. The Management Board of JR Shipping comprises Messrs. J.R. Arends and S.D. Schakelaar – both owners of the company.


All round ship management, Chartering, Brokerage & Concultancy, Offshore Services, Investors, Restructuring & Transition Projects

Adres: 8861 NS Harlingen
Telefoonnummer: +31 (0)517 - 431 225
Stad: Harlingen
Postcode: 8861 NS

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