
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Jiddisj koor Hejmisj Zain / Yiddish Choir Hejmisj Zain

Jiddisj koor Hejmisj Zain / Yiddish Choir Hejmisj Zain


Jiddisj Koor Hejmisj Zain,


Yiddish Choir Hejmisj Zain is a mixed choir, founded in 1992, in Amsterdam. The choir brings a repertoire of Yiddish songs, which mostly originate from Eastern Europe and the United States.
Very often we use new choir-arrangements of Yiddish songs.
Since a few years we also ask composers to compose new music to existing Yiddish poems.
Our aim is is to advance and develop the Yiddish art of singing in general and the amateur Yiddish Choral singing in particular. In that way we try to keep alive some aspects of Yiddish culture

By now the choir has build up a prestigious reputation in The Netherlands. Whereas it started as a choir for Jewish family-gatherings in a small intimate theatre in Amsterdam - which accounts for the name Hejmisj Zain (Yiddish for ‘being at home,’ being with the family) - nowadays the choir gives concerts throughout the Netherlands. It has participated in television-programs of the Jewish Broadcasting Organisation, in programs about the Bund ( Jiddisjer Arbeiterbund) and in programs about Yiddish language and culture.
In 2007 the choir made a trip to Poland, and gave in addition to other activities a concert in the great Temple Synagogue in Krakow.

Adres: Amsterdam
Telefoonnummer: 035 – 6940618
Stad: Amsterdam

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