
Recensies, contactgegevens voor International Waterbird Census

International Waterbird Census


The International Waterbird Census is the work of decades of dedication to counting waterbirds. Coordinated globally by Wetlands International, with regional, national, and provincial coordinators bringing thousands of volunteers out to count waterbirds.


2016 marks the 50th count of the International Waterbird Census (IWC), an important moment to celebrate the achievements of the global partnership of organisations and individuals who make it happen. Until now the waterbird counts got local attention in several regions, but in most cases the connection with wetlands and international flyways was under valued. It is time to change that. We will start the celebrations with the waterbirds count in January and have a follow-up with several other activities during the year.
In 2016 Wetlands International launched a year long global campaign to inspire and promote actions for the conservation of wetlands along the flyways. We want to involve as many organisations as possible. Wetlands International will act as a catalyst and involve all governments and partners.
More on: http://archive.wetlands.org/OurWork/Biodiversity/50YearsoftheInternationalWaterbirdCensusLetsMakeitCount/tabid/3831/Default.aspx
#waterbirdscount #IWC50

Adres: PO Box 471, 6700 AL Ede
Telefoonnummer: +31 (0)318 660910
Stad: Ede
Route: PO Box 471
Postcode: 6700 AL

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Waterbird population estimates, Wetlands International, Wetlands Nederland
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